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Openings >> Veterans Committee
Veterans Committee
Title:Veterans Committee
Department:Volunteer Program (Town Hall)
Salary Range:Volunteer

APPLICATION DEADLINE IS April 30, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.

The Little Elm Veterans Committee is looking for two community volunteers to serve on the Committee to fill unexpired terms.

The mission of the Little Elm Veterans Committee is to bring the Town’s Veterans together through activities, committees, and comradery; champion Veterans’ accomplishments through awareness; and bring Veterans together in a community-driven environment.

Interested individuals must have been residents of Little Elm for at least six months, be of high moral character, and be willing to devote time, effort, expertise, and energy to the position. At least five of the seven committee members shall be military veterans.

Interviews will occur shortly after the deadline expires, and Town staff will notify each qualifying applicant of their specific interview time. Individuals who qualify for consideration will undergo interviews with a panel that includes the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and the Veterans Committee Council Liaison.

The deadline for submitting applications for consideration is 5:30 p.m., April 30, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.

Applications for the positions may be found on the Town of Little Elm website on the Boards, Commissions & Corporations page under the Government tab of the Town’s home page or by visiting

More information may be obtained by calling 214-975-0404 or by visiting


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